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October 2023
Protected: Flexing U.S. International Muscle: John Jay and the Case of Glass v Sloop Betsey
Speaker: Hon. Mark C. Dillon, Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court
Join Justice Dillon for a discussion on the story behind the 1794 case of Glass v Sloop Betsey where the United States Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice John Jay, changed the Law of Nations by asserting federal jurisdiction over international disputes originating on the high seas.
Find out more »September 2023
Estate Tax Treaties of the United States and their Role in US-based International Estate Planning and Administration
Speaker: Michael W. Galligan, Phillips Nizer LLP
While the United States ("U.S.") has entered into far fewer gift and estate tax treaties than income tax treaties, these treaties are indispensable for U.S. international estate planning as they, among other things, protect many U.S. donors living outside the U.S. and the estates of many U.S. decedents who die abroad against double taxation and, in a number of cases, also provide valuable relief from U.S. estate tax on U.S. situs assets of non-U.S. decedents and their estates. Join Michael…
Find out more »June 2023
The Rule of Law and the Definition of Terrorism
Speaker: Nancy Hollander, Freedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg P.A.
The U.S. Constitution provides that all people in the United States and those who come to this country, legally or illegally, will be safe from arbitrary treatment. Has the fear of terrorism and those accused of such crimes led to the erosion of the rule of law and the legal principles and values which underpin the American system of justice? Join Nancy Hollander for a discussion on how the crime of terrorism perverts the US criminal legal system and causes…
Find out more »May 2023
2023 Annual General Meeting and “Foreign and International Law: A View From the Bench With The Hon. George B. Daniels”
Speaker: Judge George B. Daniels (S.D.N.Y)
The American Foreign Law Association will hold its Annual Meeting to elect the directors and officers for 2023-2024. Following the meeting, we will have a presentation by the honorable Judge George B. Daniels. Federal district judges are on the front lines of questions of foreign and international law on a regular basis. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, known as “the Mother Court” is considered one of the most important federal district courts in the…
Find out more »March 2023
Cybersecurity in the Financial Services Sector: An Introduction to the Digital Operational Resilience Act
Speaker: Eva Reinders and Alex Draaisma, NautaDutilh
In December 2022, the European Union (EU) enacted the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which came into force in January 2023. This legislation aims to harmonize and strengthen ICT security rules by creating a uniform and comprehensive framework to protect the digital operational resilience within the EU financial services sector. This ensures that financial institutions can withstand, respond to and recover from all types of ICT related incidents and threats. The financial institutions within the scope of DORA have a…
Find out more »February 2023
Doing Business with the United Nations: An Overview of the Procurement Process and Significant Issues
Speaker: Benedetta Audia, DLA Piper LLP
The United Nations ("UN") is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. Join Benedetta for a discussion on UN funding sources and disbursement modalities (procurement and grants).
Find out more »January 2023
Mind the Gap: Access to Justice for Business-related Human Rights Abuses
Speaker: Professor Katerina Yiannibas, Columbia Law School
Professor Katerina Yiannibas' research and policy work focuses on international access to justice for business related human rights abuses, particularly, how to design non-judicial remedies, like international arbitration, into effective forms of redress. In this program, Katerina will address the global framework for the promotion and protection of human rights in the global business context, identifying some company level solutions and initiatives helpful for the general legal practitioner. Join Katerina for a discussion on The Hague Rules on Business and…
Find out more »November 2022
International/Cross Border Insolvency Proceedings: An Overview of Significant Issues
Speaker: Alan A. D’Ambrosio, Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP
International/Cross Border Insolvency proceedings affect various national jurisdictions and pose unique issues and problems for practitioners tackling issues relating to overseas subsidiaries, including choice of law, jurisdiction, enforcement of judgment and recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings. This Continuing Legal Education program will touch upon the UNCITRAL Convention on Cross-Border Insolvency but will primarily focus on practical issues. This program will be of interest to attorneys handling cross-border transactions and disputes and will assist in avoiding pitfalls unique to the international,…
Find out more »October 2022
Russian War Crimes and the Crime of Aggression in Ukraine: Obstacles to Accountability and Prospects for Success
Speaker: Dean Michael P. Scharf, Case Western Reserve University
In the months since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world has witnessed shocking atrocities. Russia’s unprovoked and brutal military campaign in Ukraine has resulted in the destruction of cities, widespread civilian casualties, and a refugee crisis that has displaced millions of Ukrainians. As reports of horrendous war crimes appear daily, there have been calls to investigate the international crimes committed in Ukraine and to prosecute President Putin and other Russian leaders. Join Michael for a discussion on Russia’s invasion of…
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